Wasilla, Alaska – Connect Mat-Su has launched a new service to support residents who have questions about COVID-19 vaccination. Specially trained operators can provide answers to general questions about COVID-19, information about local vaccination appointments and walk-in clinics, and transportation support to help individuals get vaccinated. Connect Mat-Su Vaccine Call Line operators are available Monday through Friday from 12 p.p. to 5 p.m. at (907) 373-2628.
“The new Connect Mat-Su Vaccine Call Line was developed to help community members who have questions about COVID-19 vaccination get the answers they need,” said Mat-Su Health Foundation President and CEO Elizabeth Ripley. “Our hope is to support residents in making an informed choice about what is right for them and their families.”
People who call the Connect Mat-Su COVID Vaccine Call Line will receive the same tailored experience the service provides for all of its clients. In addition to the vaccine call line. Connect Mat-Su was developed by the Mat-Su Health Foundation and community partners to be a comprehensive and innovative health and social services information and referral resource center. It links residents with access to the information, referrals, and direct assistance they need to thrive physically, mentally, socially and emotionally.
About Mat-Su health Foundation: Mat-Su Health Foundation (MSHF) is the official business name of Valley Hospital Association, Inc., which shares ownership in Mat-Su Regional Medical Center. In this capacity, MSHF board members and representatives actively participate in the governance of Mat-Su’s community hospital to protect the community’s interest in this important healthcare institution. The MSHF mission is to improve the health and wellness of Alaskans living in the Mat-Su and the tools it uses include grantmaking, convening of local partners, and policy change. The foundation’s work has resulted in significant improvements in systems that support the health of Mat-Su residents in areas such as behavioral health, child welfare, crisis response, community connections, workforce development, transportation, housing, and senior services. More information is available at