Workforce development is a key driver in all of the Mat-Su Health Foundations areas of focus. As Mat-Su grows, so does the need for a highly trained and educated health and human services workforce, and this area of focus is helping to meet that need. The vision for Healthy Futures is that Mat-Su residents are served by a trained and qualified workforce that sufficiently staffs a complete system of care to meet the health and wellness needs of all members of the community. Of the 25 occupations expected to grow the most in Alaska, 23 are related to health and human services.
The Mat-Su Health Foundation (MSHF) has released a new report titled “The Mat-Su Health and Human Services Workforce Development Assessment and Plan.” Highlights are featured in the infographic below. The report is available to download here.

To learn more about the Healthy Futures area of focus, please contact Program Officer Vandana Ingle via email at or by phone at (907) 373-2802.